Baby Legs… Hooked On a Strange Baby Related Purchase

Every time I think I’ve made my very last baby related purchase someone tells me about a product that peaks my interest. On the docket today… baby legs. If you aren’t familiar, (I had no idea prior to a recent conversation with a new mom), baby legs are leg warmers for infants and children.

They are used in combination with buttoned onesies to keep the baby’s legs warm without requiring parents to take them off when changing diapers. It’s actually a pretty ingenious idea and as soon as I heard about them I knew I had to buy them.

The goal is to simplify diaper changes and knowing that a baby is changed up to ten times a day I’m all for simplification. I decided to purchase a pair or two just to see how well they work for our little one, but of course there are so many adorable colors and patterns that I found it difficult to limit my purchase to just a couple.

I did Google for promotion codes and coupons and found that the official Baby Legs site runs frequent sales that often involve free shipping. The retail cost is somewhere between $10 and $12 per pair, but I found a bunch of coupons over the past few months that allow you to buy them for somewhere between $3.50 and $6.00.

I also found a ton of listings for baby legs and other baby leg warmers on eBay. For the time being I purchased four pairs for roughly $4.00 each. I have no idea if they’ll be worth the money, but the idea seemed like such a good one I figured I had to give them a shot.

Now I really need to stop looking at the Internet or talking to anyone about baby products until after the baby arrives. Otherwise I’ll never stop buying!

3 thoughts on “Baby Legs… Hooked On a Strange Baby Related Purchase”

  1. Wow, that is such a good idea! Way better than having to get the legs of a onesie off of the baby every time! Though, I thinking, googling "baby legs" could probably bring back some undesired results!

  2. If you know how to sew it is very easy to make your own baby legs out of socks. I have used women's socks in fun patterns and also little girls knee socks too. I found out how to do it by googling it. Baby socks are totally worth it. I used them all the time on my baby.

  3. @graduatedlearning – Google does return some strange results on this inquiry 🙂

    @anonymous – Thanks for the recommendation. Now that you mention it they do seem pretty easy to make.


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