Will You Ever Have to Rename Your Blog?

The bloggers of the world have chosen all sorts of interesting names for their blogs, but I wonder how many bloggers will eventually chose to rename them. After graduation will Broke-Ass Student become Millionaire Graduate? Will the DINKS become the DWENKS after they have children and will Single Ma ever be Married? You’ve got to love Dawn over at Frugal for Life, who came up with a title that she can use… well for the rest of her life.

Most of my favorite bloggers seem to capture their personalities with the name of their blogs. Within seconds of reading you can immediately begin to visualize the author. Who wouldn’t imagine that Budgeting Babe is hot or Okdork nerdy? You can sympathize, empathize, and relate to the author all within seconds of reading the title.

As for me… I took no time in deciding on the title of One Frugal Girl.

One… because one dollar, plus one dollar, plus one dollar… can become one million. In one second you can gain a windfall of money and one good decision can lead you on a path to wealth.

Frugal… because I am not miserly, cheap or a penny-pincher. Frugal is not an indication of wealth it’s a frame of mind, a lifestyle… someone who is careful with money.

Girl… because ‘female’ seemed too much like a feminist and ‘lady’ to uppity. Actually, at 29, I suppose I’m already much too old for that title. The title is an indication of spirit… not age… and as of this point I have no plan to change the title.

3 thoughts on “Will You Ever Have to Rename Your Blog?”

  1. I will not have to change mine, Kiss My Sass will stay with me forever! But I will have to change my address as my last name will no longer be mine. As for the “girl” situation, I have a problem calling people I know as a great man or a wise woman. Boys and girls works better. šŸ™‚

  2. Huh, I too was wondering if SingleMa would change her name, and what it’d be if she married. Mine won’t have to change unless I’m no longer Mini one day šŸ™‚


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