Homes and Possessions

Random thoughts on a snowy day:


  • I have extremely mixed feelings about moving a few years from now. After a long fifteen years in our current house it finally feels like home to me. I don’t love the layout of our kitchen or the fact that the bedrooms can fit little more than a queen sized bed, but I have many happy memories of raising my children within that house and I will be sad to say goodbye to the place where I’ve spent the majority of my adulthood. Unfortunately, the public schools in our area aren’t the greatest. Even if we send my son to the local elementary school the middle school is NOT an option, which means we could hold off moving for awhile but not indefinitely. Of course, we could send our sons to private school, which is an option, but it would cost roughly $35,000 for the two of them and that is a whole lot of money!
  • If I could go back in time I would nix my money hoarding (aka: saving) habits and instead invest those funds into our home. We had a cat that prevented us from fixing up the place, but ultimately we were living in the broken window scenario where everything was old and dilapidated. Unfortunately that had a much greater weight on my happiness then I realized.
  • I am constantly at war with stuff. I clean out my house, get rid of everything I think I can possibly purge and then realize that my house still has too many possessions. We limit toys and donate unwanted items, but the influx of stuff from Christmas and birthdays is absolutely overwhelming. I know it sounds crazy but I didn’t realize two children meant two sets of gifts. I am so tired of moving toys and rearranging them.
  • I’m trying to take a new approach to the items in my home. Since moving is on our radar I keep asking do I really want to box this up one day or should I just find it a new home that isn’t mine?

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