Saving 51% at the Grocery Store

After reflecting on Friday’s post I decided to take a more disciplined approach to grocery shopping this week. I surveyed the food in our pantry, refrigerator and freezer. Then I picked out a couple of recipes I’d like to make and figured out which ingredients were missing. Lastly, I searched through the store circulars to find the best deals.

I’m not a big fan of driving from store to store to save a few bucks here and there. I’d rather forgo a couple of dollars then spend all morning driving from one store to the other. The less lines I have to wait in on a Sunday morning the better, so I typically pick either the closest store or the one with the best deals.

After sorting through the sales circulars I decided to drive over to Safeway this morning. They had a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase in the circular. I also had a coupon for $5 off a $50 purchase from the 2009 Entertainment Book that I planned to use.

I’m proud to say that for the first time ever I stuck to my grocery list. I was very mindful of the items I placed in my cart and even put some items back that I needed but that weren’t on sale.

As you can see from my scanned receipt above my disciplined approach helped me save 51% off the bill.
Unfortunately, I lost the $5 Entertainment Book coupon somewhere between the car and the check out line. I searched my cart, my bag, my coupon cozy, and my purse, but it was no where to be found. I can only hope that it fell in the store where someone else will find and use it.

Still I am amazed that I saved 51% off the bill, despite losing such a valuable coupon. That’s the most I’ve ever saved in one trip to the store! Safeway had some exceptional sales and I don’t plan to do that well on every visit, but it sure felt nice to keep $55 in my pocket this week!

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