Easy Frugal Tips — Not quite a tightwad

So I’ve been flipping through the pages of the Tightwad Gazette in the hopes of finding easy ways to save a little extra money each month. I have been known to do some pretty frugal things in my day. When I first got out of college I was often broke. (Not because I blew all … Read more

Selling Books Online

As I mentioned in a previous entry I am attempting to clear as much clutter from my home as possible. If there is way to clear clutter and make money I am all for it. So I did some research online and discovered a number of websites that will allow you to sell books online. … Read more

Results of the First Annual Family Meeting

Late last year I read “The Family CFO.” A great book that I would highly recommend to anyone that’s married or getting married. The book talks about removing emotions from conversations about money by running your family like a business. You and your husband form a board of directors and sit down once a year … Read more