Random Ramblings: Money Wins and Loses

Money Win: I haven’t purchased a brand new book in over seven years! I don’t love the location of our house but I do love it’s proximity to the library. When the weather is nice and time is on my side I’ll walk there with my son. If I’m in a hurry I can drive … Read more

With Intention Comes Wealth

I stopped reading the majority of personal finance blogs in my RSS reader a few years ago. After reading blogs day after day for years I simply couldn’t find any new ideas that I hadn’t read or thought of before. I stopped blogging myself for this very same reason. What could I possibly say that … Read more

Financial Empowerment: Becoming Financially Literate

I’ll be honest. I think a lot about money. In fact, I think about money more than anyone else I know. This isn’t a new phenomenon for me. It’s just the way I’ve always been. Many of my earliest and most vivid childhood memories involve rolling coins, keeping my brother away from my stash of … Read more

Why Do We Yearn to Escape From Our Lives?

I’m an easy going girl with simple tastes. I don’t have an enormous bucket list filled with far-away destinations and extravagant desires. I have friends who want to visit every continent or touch their fingers in every ocean, but I don’t have such dreams. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly places I want to … Read more

Make Your Journey To Financial Independence Your Own

Although you will find common themes among those who have reached financial independence you will also find many differences. Millionaires come from all walks of life. You will find men and women both single and married. Some will focus on advancing their education to the highest level while others will drop out of college or … Read more

To Retire Early You Must Work Hard Now

Do you feel like you live in a get rich quick kind of world where people want to earn the most money for the least amount of effort? Do you listen to friends who dream of winning the lottery? Do your coworkers inundate you with multi-level marketing scams? Do you know someone who wants to … Read more