Random Thoughts

I keep a notebook of random thoughts and quotes. Here are a few that caught my eye this evening:

  • Think of your life expectancy in hours rather than years.
  • Waste lies not in the number of possessions, but in the failure to enjoy them.
  • “He who knows he has enough is rich” – Tao Te Ching
  • To be frugal means to have a high joy-to-stuff ratio. Get value from everything.
  • Enjoy all the good that each moment and each thing has to offer.
  • Frugality is being efficient in harvesting happiness from the world you live in.
  • Spend your time well and your money will be spent well too.
  • Seek to expand your life not your wallet, by living more wisely, intelligently

And my favorite:

  • Live carefully and consciously.

It’s difficult to remain conscious in day-to-day activities. I strive everyday to become better at this.

1 thought on “Random Thoughts”

  1. “To be frugal means to have a high joy-to-stuff ratio”

    I think that one is really important. We very rarely but new things, but when we do, it’s stuff that we use over and over and usually enjoy a lot. It may look like we have a lot of unusual things to other people, but we have what we like to have around us


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