After Twelve Years My Job Quietly Came to an End

October marks the fewest posts in a month for One Frugal Girl since 2007. I just haven’t been able to find the time to focus on blogging with a newborn in the house. I hope to put the baby on a schedule at some point, but for the time being I’ve allowed him to dictate exactly how we spend the time in our day.

I have to say I don’t regret wasting away the hours with him. In spite of the sleep deprivation these last six weeks have been absolutely amazing and now that he’s here I can’t imagine a world without him.

In fact, I’m so focused on my new role that I paid little attention to the fact that last week marked my last day of employment. After over twelve years my job quietly came to an end.

I didn’t go out for a goodbye lunch and no one contacted me to say good luck or to say our paths may meet again. My email access was cut off weeks ago, so there was no way for anyone to reach out to me.

I didn’t spend the day packing up my cubicle and walking boxes to my car. I removed personal belongings from my cube years ago and packed the few items I still had at work months ago. I wanted to make certain my desk was clear long before I went into labor so I brought things home little by little.

I turned in my laptop weeks ago, so I couldn’t even send out a farewell email to all the friends I made throughout the years.

I haven’t been thrilled with my job for quite some time, but as I look back on my twelve year career I can honestly say I’ll always hold a special place in my heart for the company I used to work for. In a day and age where employees don’t stick around at a company for more than a few years I took pride in the fact that I worked at the same place for so long.

It’s unfortunate that the company is downsizing and that I was forced out of my job rather than voluntarily leaving, but the situation could not have worked out any better. The company perks have been disappearing for years on end, the management is worse than ever and the future of the company as a whole is completely unknown.

Luckily the birth of my son coincided with the end of my twelve year career. Rather than returning to work after only ten weeks of leave I’ll have the opportunity to enjoy and truly savor these first few months with my baby.

It seems rather strange that my job is ending this way, but I must admit that I see no better way for the transition to occur. When I walked out of the building a few days before my son was born I had no idea that it was the very last time I would step away from my office.

I never looked over my shoulder or contemplated my past or future journey. I simply slid behind the wheel, turned the radio up and drove home like I did on every other work day. I’m glad that’s how it ended.

1 thought on “After Twelve Years My Job Quietly Came to an End”

  1. Hello,
    Congratulations on the new addition. Glad things are working out and you are able to savor these days. They are special.

    Just found your site, like the title and plan to look around a little while you are on vacation, if you don't mind.

    Take care of yourself and yours now.


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