What does it mean when you dream about counting money? Counting money in a dream may mean you are attempting to measure your self-worth.
If you feel successful and confident, you may count a large mound of paper money or coins. If you feel jealous or uncertain, you might count a smaller pile.
Counting money in a dream may indicate the need to assess your abilities. It may be time to ask yourself how to improve your skills in waking life.
The Meaning of Counting Money In Your Dream
Counting dreams often manifest when we want to forge a new path. You may count money when you are uncertain. Do you have enough of what it takes to reach your dreams?
Are you feeling stuck or in need of a change? Do you believe you need to reinvent yourself or try something new?
Are you feeling less creative, less intelligent, or less powerful lately? These can manifest as money-counting dreams as you count your money and consider your past and future success.
The Spiritual Meaning of Counting Money in a Dream
The spiritual meaning of counting money in a dream may indicate the need to measure yourself against others or yourself. We tend to count money when we want to see how much we’ve earned or received.
Spiritually counting money may demonstrate the feeling that you need more in your life. Maybe one aspect of your life needs improvement.
Maybe you don’t feel like you measure up financially, on the job, or in your relationships.
Counting Money in a Dream and Not Having Enough
Sometimes you finish counting and realize you are missing money. What if you didn’t have as much money as you thought you should or didn’t have as much as you needed?
What if you can’t give money to the cashier in your dream or run out of money when you need it?
This dream may mean you need to strengthen your physical or mental skills in real life. Do you need further training to excel at your job? Would additional schooling help you reach the next rung of your career?
Counting Money After Receiving it in a Dream
Counting money in a dream can also symbolize an unfair situation in real life. Were you turned down for a promotion or looked over for an important project at work?
Do you feel like you didn’t get what you deserved? You may be counting money because you feel shortchanged. You could be counting money to see if you received your equal share.
Are you counting the money you received from someone else? If you start stacking dollars and counting currency after receiving money in a dream, it may indicate a lack of trust. When you trust someone, you don’t feel the need to count the change.
Why was someone giving money to you in your dream? Was it a business transaction or a gift? Are you borrowing money from someone you know? Do you need to repay it?
Counting borrowed money in a dream might be a sign of insecurity. It may also symbolize the fear of letting someone down who believes in you.

Dream of Counting Counterfeit Money
Counting money in a dream is often a sign of good luck, but counting counterfeit money can be a sign of deception and betrayal.
Were you counting this money alone? Were you counting money given to you by someone you know in real life?
Counterfeit money can signify a distrust in someone close to you. Do you have a business partner, romantic interest, or coworker that might stab you in the back?
Is counterfeit money a bad sign? Not necessarily. Fake money may be a warning, but it is most likely the manifestation of uneasiness or uncertainty. Perhaps you are feeling troubled by a relationship or unsure of a decision in your near future.
Dream of Counting Foreign Money
Counting foreign money indicates the desire for exciting experiences. If you feel bored, it may be time to learn a new hobby or discover a new passion.
Do you dream of counting foreign money? This dream suggests new adventures. Maybe you want to move to a new location, take on a new job, or schedule upcoming travel. Counting foreign currency may indicate a desire for more stimulation and excitement.
Dream of Winning Money and Counting It
If you dream of counting money after winning a bundle of it, your dream may be a sign of good luck. According to every dream book I’ve ever read, winning cash is interpreted as a sign of good things to come.
Winning a large amount of money indicates success and happiness in real life. If you count the money you win, wake up and count your blessings.
Dream of Counting Paper Money
Sometimes we line up stacks of coins in our dreams, and other times we dream of counting paper money. Counting paper money may symbolize a feeling of uncertainty.
After counting your stack of paper money, did you have enough to buy what you wanted? If not, it may be a sign that you fear you don’t measure up.
Counting Money before Losing Money
If counting money means things are going well in your life, it’s easy to assume that losing money in a dream symbolizes the exact opposite.
Did you count money and then lose it in your dream? Are you counting money to see how much is left?
Losing money in a dream may symbolize a bad relationship, a heartfelt breakup, or the recent death of a loved one. Dream books often associate losing money with the loss of something special.
Seeing Someone Counting Money in a Dream
What if you see someone counting money in a dream? Who was counting money in your dream? Was it a parent, sibling, friend, relative, or lover?
Why was this person counting money? Did they plan to give money to you after counting it? Were they counting the money you recently gave them?
If you see someone counting money in a dream, it may indicate a rocky relationship. If you trust someone, you don’t have to count money after giving or receiving it. Instead, you instinctively believe that the total is accurate.
If you receive money after someone counts it in your dream, you may need to work on your relationship. Perhaps there are signs of financial dishonesty or infidelity.
Did you earn money in a dream and then feel the need to count it? Counting money you earned may indicate a lack of excitement about your current job or distrust of your boss or coworkers.
Dream Interpretation
There are many different interpretations and meanings for counting money in your dreams. If you dream of counting money, take a moment to reflect on what you remember after you wake.
The interpretations above may help you understand the symbols in your dreams or be completely unrelated, and the only way to know is to interpret them for yourself. The good news is that you can often fit together the pieces based on what’s happening in your waking life.
What do you think your money dream is trying to tell you?
What does it mean when you dream about counting money? Counting money in a dream may mean you are attempting to measure your self-worth.
If you feel successful and confident, you may count a large mound of paper money or coins. If you feel jealous or uncertain, you might count a smaller pile.
Counting money in a dream may indicate the need to assess your abilities. It may be time to ask yourself how to improve your skills in waking life.