Believe it or not my husband and I haven’t been to the movies since The March of the Penguins came out in 2005. Tonight we’re headed to an IMAX theater to watch the new Star Trek movie. I suppose there is no denying our nerdy tendencies with this one. My husband conned me into watching old versions of Star Trek The Next Generation years ago, but honestly the more I watched the more I was hooked. I hate to admit it, but I even formed a little crush on Patrick Stewart. I actually read somewhere that children learn more about science from Star Trek than any other source. If I had watched as child maybe I would’ve studied science in college rather than literature?
Hey OFG – I just saw ST in Imax! It was GREAT. Of course, I’m not a true Trekkie; I go for the nostalgia everytime with classic lines and such. They pull those out often in the movie.
True Trekkies will probably be upset because it’s another time-travel -type movie. I won’t say anymore! We can geek about it once you’ve seen the thang š
I’m a trekkie from way back, and I like all the versions/movies they’ve made. I’m seeing the IMAX version in Raleigh Saturday!
Patrick Stewart is fabulous!
Hope you had a great time! That must’ve been a great movie to see in Imax. I personally am a big fan of the Netflix and I haven’t been to a theater in years either!
The movie was great especially in IMAX! Based on the way this one ended I bet they’ll make a new series of movies. Star Trek continues…
I totally want to go see Star Trek. Even my gf says she’ll go. Do you think we should go see in imax or is a regular movie theater good enough?
@el cheapo – If you have the opportunity definitely splurge and watch it on IMAX.