This year I resolve to set aside 15 minutes each day doing something just for me. If I’m lucky I’ll figure out how to turn 15 minutes into 30 minutes or even an hour, but for starters I’m sticking with just 15 minutes. In 15 minutes I can meditate, stretch, write in my blog, take a short walk, daydream, listen to music, take a short bath, reminisce, pet my kitty, keep in touch with old friends or snuggle with my husband.
I don’t plan on being rigid with the time. I don’t have to spend 15 minutes in the morning, after dinner, or right before bed. I just need to find a way to sneak 15 minutes of quiet, reflective time into my day. It’s important to remember that time is a treasure that won’t last forever. So to make certain I stick with my resolution I’m creating a journal to document how I spend my 15 minutes each day.