When it comes to parenting sometimes time moves fast and other times it moves so incredibly slow. As a stay-at-home mom the minutes and hours of some days seem to crawl, but when I look back over my time as a parent I must admit that the years sped by. My eldest is turning seven this year and as I look into his face I can no longer see any remnant of the chubby little baby face that I spent so many sleepless nights staring into.
That baby has grown into a long and lanky first grader. My son defies the stereotype of boys who run around in circles filled with abundant and uncontrollable energy. He is calm, gentle, mild-mannered, patient, positive and kind. He is the kind of kid every parent wants to invite over for a playdate, because they know he will follow the rules and stay out of trouble.
This year my son wants to design his own birthday party. The first step in planning: create a party invitation that provides the necessary details for the big day. This year we chose to design invitations using Paperless Post.
Once you finalize your guest list simply add the email addresses of everyone you want to include. Paperless Post will store these addresses for future use, which means you only have to type them into the website once. If my son invites the same set of friends next year it will be easy to generate a new invitation and send it out.
Your guests will receive a cute little email that directs them to a personalized envelope. When they click on the envelope the chosen card will be revealed. As the host of the event you can easily keep track of the number of guests, RSVPs and even whether or not a guest viewed your invitation. All of that stuff is extremely helpful when planning a party.
Of course, Paperless Post isn’t just for birthday parties. You can find invitations for baby showers, birthdays, special events and even weddings! Digital invitations weren’t popular when I got married nearly fifteen years ago, but if I was getting married in the year 2018 you can bet your bottom dollar I would send out invitations through Paperless Post!
Have you tried Paperless Post?