I’m sure you’ve all read that newspaper subscriptions are down again. It seems people like to ingest their daily news via the Internet and TV instead of a big black and white paper. In an attempt to increase subscriptions, and thus sales, the Washington Post is now offering PostPoints. PostPoints is a new, free rewards program that allows you to earn points just for being a Washington Post subscriber. If you register with PostPoints you can earn points for shopping at local stores in and around the Washington, D.C. area, as well as larger retail chains like Giant & CVS. Even better the program allows participants to ‘double dip.’ For example, if you shop at CVS you’ll get points towards your CVS program in addition to PostPoints. You simply have to go online and register your PostPoints account with the membership numbers of your Giant and CVS cards.
Once you earn a certain number of points you can shop around for gift cards and other items via the PostPoints site. I currently subscribe to the weekend section of the Washington Post, primarily for coupons. I make up the cost of the subscription by clipping just one or two coupons. So I think this rewards program is a great idea. It certainly can’t hurt to lure more subscribers.
For more information on the PostPoints program click here.