Pampers Baby Dry Review

We all know that it costs a ridiculous amount of money to raise a child. The latest estimates ring in at a whopping $233,610 between your child’s birth and the day he or she turns eighteen. Before the birth of your little bundle of joy you will inevitably spend time weighing the financial decisions impacting … Read more

Hand-Me-Downs: Is It Worth Keeping Baby Clothes?

I’ve gone back and forth more times than I can count on the question of storing baby equipment and clothes for subsequent children. Over the years I narrowed down my son’s wardrobe into relatively small plastic boxes categorized by size. I allotted one box for each size and gave away the rest. I donated the … Read more

Consignment a Good Deal? (Trip #2)

I recently carved out a small space in the corner of my closet where I can stack three plastic boxes. The baby is growing like crazy so every time I find he’s outgrown another article of clothing I assess its ability to sell. If it has any value I throw it in the sale bin … Read more

Pampers Premium Care Review

Before my first son was born (sometime around the beginning of my third trimester), I read a blog post about stockpiling diapers. It sounded like such a great idea. Of course, I wanted to save money on diapers, and what better way to save than by taking advantage of promotional sales? I was already making … Read more

Consignment – The Second Time Around

At only four months of age my little bruiser is already wearing 12-to-18 month clothing. We received a bunch of baby onesies and sleepers shortly after my son was born, but with his long torso and meaty thighs he has already outgrown all of them! I didn’t expect any gifts for our second born child … Read more

Best Baby Gear: A Few of My Favorite Things

Before my first son was born I read just about every must-have baby checklist out there. I bought the required number of crib sheets and made certain I had swaddling blankets and burp cloths on hand from day one. Along the way I discovered that a lot of items were completely unnecessary while others seemed … Read more

Extending the Love

I was hesitant to have a shower for baby #2, but oh so happy my family decided to host a sprinkle despite my reservations. Other than one former coworker the attendees were all family members and extremely close friends. All the people I love so dearly. I didn’t see the invitation but I was told … Read more

Medical Insurance Update – Labor and Delivery Costs

Our medical bills for the delivery of baby #2 just arrived and so far we owe just over $560. This included a $250 copay plus hospital inpatient charges up to our $3000 deductible. Our insurance rolled over on December 1st and it seems we racked up $3000 worth of medical charges between then and now. … Read more

Radio Silence: Baby #2 Arrives

Baby #2 arrived a bit earlier than expected; three weeks early to be exact. I thought I had one more week to prepare for the arrival, but it simply wasn’t meant to be. As I labored in the hospital my husband and I walked the halls and tried to agree on names. In fact, up … Read more

A Guide to Saving for Maternity Leave

This post is part of Women’s Money Week. In my opinion as soon you decide to have children, (no matter how far into the future that day may seem), you should start setting money aside for the big day. Think of having a child like any other big financial goal in life. You know you … Read more