Meeting Minutes from the Annual Financial Meeting

Here are the results from the annual financial meeting my husband and I held in February:

Net Worth review:

  • Mortgage principal on primary home reduced by $11,000
  • Non-retirement assets increased $30,000
  • Retirement assets increased $61,000


  • Employer Assisted Housing Loan Paid off 10-01-2006
  • Pay off date: 09-01-2018

2006 Tax Return:

  • $8,000
  • Money will be transferred into two individual IRAs

Other decisions:

  • Current emergency fund is just right. We will not add to it or deduct from it.

Life Insurance:

  • $500,000 for 30 years (approximately $450 per year) for hubby
  • Will compare to a 20 year policy before purchasing
  • The goal of insurance is primarily to pay off the mortgage.

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