My Progress: Cleaning Instead of Shopping on Black Friday

I spent the Friday after Thanksgiving cleaning out the house. I didn’t clean with brooms and mops and soap and water, rather I pulled out the contents of each of my drawers and closets and sorted through everything I could get my hands on.

By the end of the day, my closet and dresser were completely reorganized and I gathered a small shopping bag full of clothes for charity that either no longer fit or I no longer wear. I organized all of the little odds and ends that were gathering dust on my night table. I created small containers for some things and found better homes for others.

I cleaned out the linen closet and the tiny little drawers that house a hodgepodge of things like wrapping paper, craft supplies and even small electronics. I sorted through piles of soap, shampoo and other products and created a large bag of items I plan to donate for charity. I also set aside a few items that I can wrap up as ‘extra’ gifts for family members.

I rummaged through my gift drawers and found a whole bunch of things I’d totally forgotten about. It turns out that I have at least one item in there for every member on my list. Most of them are just little trinkets, but a couple are full sized gifts.

I sorted through my book shelves, but I found it much harder to purge some of my books this year. I go through cycles with books, sometimes I’m happy to part with them and other times I just can’t let go.

I decided I didn’t want to go through the hassle of selling books one-by-one, so I searched for a couple of cash-4-book type programs and sold 20 books I didn’t mind parting with to the highest bidders. I bundled up boxes to four different buyers and dropped them in the mail.

Lastly I walked around the house looking for any items that are in good shape that I no longer use and could probably sell. I listed a couple on eBay and may list a couple more on craigslist. All of the items I listed already have bids.

I’m glad I spent the day out of the malls and away from the stores. I certainly accomplished a whole lot more by staying at home.

2 thoughts on “My Progress: Cleaning Instead of Shopping on Black Friday”

  1. It's true! It's a very good time to sell things online–people don't go to yard sales this time of year but they are in a shopping mood and are looking for deals for presents. What a great idea in lieu of Black Friday!!


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