I have high hopes and expectations for the coming year, but I’m not exactly sure what it might bring. Things are not looking good with my current employer. The company I work for has drastically cut back over the past five or six years.
The first hits came to funding for education, then on pensions, followed by bonuses and paid time off. Now we’re looking at a lack of pay raises and a drastic reduction to the charitable contributions program.
There are rumors of massive layoffs in the new year and even if I survive the cut I’m not sure what work will be like there. I don’t talk much about work on this blog, for a whole host of reasons, but I have to say that I’m feeling unbelievably disappointed by it lately.
Over the years my job has presented me with amazing opportunities. It’s given me a place to learn new things and expand my mind, but the longer I work there the more frustrated I become. My coworkers tell me I’d be frustrated working in any big corporation. They say I’m a free spirit, a hard working employee and that neither of those characteristics is truly admired in the big, corporate world.
They are probably right. I can’t say for sure. What I can say with certainty is that this company and it’s day-to-day policies has drained me of my desire to achieve, to do the right thing and to do an amazing job. For now I stay because the job offers a lot of flexibility and high quality health benefits, but I wonder if that’s enough to keep me going through the long haul.
Of course, the way things are looking lately I’m not certain I’ll have to decide how long to stay or what to do next. The company may very well make at least one of those decisions for me.
I'm sorry to hear about that.My employers is a small organization that for the last 2 years, hasn't given out raises or bonuses – so I know what you're going through! They also offer flexibility…what I've realized is that while I'm glad that I still have a job and have a few opportunities to make it better, I don't know if other employers would offer the flexibility unless I go out and try to find out!