Selling to a Consignment Shop (Trip #3)

Over the weekend my husband and I loaded a bunch of baby equipment into the car and headed for the nearest consignment shop. This isn’t a traditional consignment store. At this particular place a buyer reviews the items I bring in and pays me upfront for anything they want to try and sell. I earn … Read more

Round Up: Making Money by Cleaning Out the House

With all of the nesting and remodeling taking place in my house I began to wonder if I could make any money selling the stuff I so desperately wanted to purge. I tried a couple of different approaches to offloading my unwanted belongings. Here is where I landed so far: eBay Sales: $86.37 for six … Read more

Consignment Shops: My Thoughts on Selling Kid’s Clothing

Every season I purchase a few new clothing items for my son. I typically shop the clearance aisles of local stores like Old Navy, Kohl’s and Gymboree and walk away with a few cute shirts and pants. Within a few weeks of shopping I invariably receive an email message from a former coworker that reads, … Read more

Blogging For Money

This post is part of Women’s Money Week 2014. I started this blog in 2006. In fact, next week marks the anniversary of it’s creation; eight years since I created my very first post! There weren’t a ton of personal finance blogs in existence back then, but I’ve always been interested in the topic and decided … Read more

Any Experience with Consignment Stores?

I have a bunch of baby stuff sitting in closets and plastic tubs in our home that I no longer need. There is that diaper bag I received at my baby shower but never used, a stroller that is much too short for someone my height and a bunch of pajamas that we’ve used only … Read more

How I Sell Books Online

After writing about my 2012 online income I received a question about selling books and thought I’d write a quick post to answer it. Last year I earned just under $125 selling books to book buying companies. (The numbers in my original post were slightly off.) I also earned an additional $24 selling books on eBay. I … Read more

Earning Money From Online Surveys

Last year I earned nearly $475 for completing online surveys. Since I only earn a few dollars here and there I was rather surprised by the total. I received a few comments asking about legitimate survey sites so without further ado here is a list of the sites I currently use. e-Rewards: Unfortunately you must … Read more

Tallies from 2012: How Much Money Did My Blog Earn?

Every year I intend to tally up the amount of money I earn from online endeavors including, but not limited to, blogging. Usually I lose track of just how much I earned and lost and this year is no exception. I’m sure I’m missing a few figures here and there but overall I think it’s … Read more

So Disappointed

Every once in awhile I clean out the house and find a couple of items that I might just be able to sell. I typically search eBay for similar items and then determine whether or not it’s worth my time to list them. We have less and less clutter these days but I’ve had good … Read more