Goal: Get Dinner to the Table

Things have gotten a little off track since the arrival of child #2. Somewhere in the middle of my third trimester I lost the desire to cook a decent meal and as any new mother knows things didn’t exactly get easier after birth. Last week I set a very small goal to get back in … Read more

Saving Money on Groceries: That’s a Lot of Chicken!

I prefer to buy organic or all natural chicken for my family, but it’s so much more expensive than the other stuff our grocery store sells. Every once in a blue moon our grocery store offers buy-one-get-one offers and from time to time the price is dropped to $3.59, but the full retail price is … Read more

Could A Grocery Delivery Service Save Me Money?

A week or so ago my husband noticed a rip in a bag of chips that had been sitting on a shelf in our pantry. We couldn’t quite figure out what happened; did it snag while we were loading and unloading groceries, was it torn when I bought it? I wasn’t quite sure so I … Read more

Local Farms, CSAs and a Few Favorite New Recipes

A few weeks ago I packed my little guy into the car and headed out to a local farm that allows customers to pick their own produce. There are a couple of farms that are closer to our house, but they primarily grow apples and pumpkins. The farm I chose isn’t exactly around the corner, … Read more

How Decadent Chocolates Are Helping Me

Photo Credit: Godiva.com I lost all of my baby weight after my son was born, but over time an extra five to ten pounds has crept back onto my body. According to the height-weight projections I could easily stand to lose at least fifteen pounds, possibly twenty. It turns out I had a little extra … Read more

A Little Upfront Preparation Makes Cooking So Much Faster

(Bags of sliced and chopped chicken ready for the freezer) These days I purchase a lot of organic ingredients. I don’t know if it’ll make a difference in our health in the long run, but it’s one area of our finances I’m not willing to cut back on. I typically purchase meat and poultry from … Read more

Juicing, Is It Worth It?

For my birthday I asked for a juicer. So far there are parts of juicing I like and parts I don’t. Let’s start with the good. I typically use fruit that is somewhat past it’s prime. If I have a bunch of spinach in the produce drawer that is too wilted to eat, I throw … Read more

The Biggest Grocery Bill of My Life

We’re on vacation this week and trying something a little different. Rather than preparing grilled chicken and burgers almost every night for dinner I’ve picked out a bunch of favorite recipes. By the end of the night we all want to hang out, drink beer and relax, so rather than standing around grilling we’ve decided … Read more

What’s for Dinner? Finding Inspiration.

Photo Credit: Pioneer Woman I seem to go in waves with cooking. One week I find a ton of recipes that inspire me to buy vegetables and defrost meats and poultry and the next I’m ready to call for a pizza. I was in desperate need of a trip to the grocery store earlier this … Read more

Do You Tip for Takeout?

My parents came over on Saturday to hang out with us for a bit. When dinner time approached we decided to order from a chain restaurant that is just a few minutes away from my home. I logged onto the restaurant’s website and placed my order, which included a meal for each of us, four … Read more