The Blog Post that Will Rock Your Ice Cream World

In our house summertime means ice cream time. At any given point throughout the summer months you can find at least one carton of Edy’s Slow Churned ice cream in our freezer, and yes it has to be Edy’s, when it comes to ice cream we are completely brand loyal. On most days you can … Read more

A Fridge Full of Leftovers and the Most Random Dinner

Before we left for North Carolina this weekend my husband and I pulled all of the leftovers out of the fridge and placed them in the cooler for the long trip down south. Tonight, rather than cooking up a feast, we pulled everything out of the fridge and heated up the most random assortment of … Read more

You Know You Are Frugal When…

You leave the house at 11:00 o’clock at night in search of an open CVS store, because you have four ‘free after purchase’ coupons that are set to expire by midnight and you can’t bear the thought of passing up free chocolate and body wash.

Frugal Do-It-Yourself Homeowner Transports Screen Doors on Subway

Imagine dragging 4-by-4s, screen doors, a six-foot section of picket fence, a lawn mower, a 75-foot garden hose or a six-foot stepladder onto the Washington, DC metro. That’s exactly how one do-it-yourself homeowner transports supplies from the hardware store to his home. Unwilling to pay for the cost of a pick-up truck rental and unable … Read more

Are You Prepared for Downturns in the Economy?

After work I flipped on today’s tivo’d version of Oprah and found a special episode called Money Questions with Suze Orman. Various individuals were calling into the show for advice on how to handle their money problems. The first guest, a woman by the name of Aimee, said she never worried about the state of … Read more

Counting Coins

As a kid I was fascinated with coins. Every few weeks my father would count his coins and roll them into coin wrappers. I vividly remember the first time I helped him count the change. He let me start with the pennies, because they were, (of course), the easiest coins to count. My dad has … Read more

Spending Too Much Time Searching For a Deal

This month’s Money magazine had a great article by Jean Chatzky called “When Getting a Deal Just Isn’t Worth It.” In the article Chatzky discusses the extraordinary amount of time she spent searching for the best deal on a big screen TV. She started by reading consumer reports and a dozen reviews, then checked out … Read more

Too Frugal for Oprah’s Favorite Things

Tonight as I was fast-forwarding through a Tivo’d version of Oprah’s Favorite Things I realized just how sensible I’ve become about my finances. When Oprah revealed the most expensive gift ever, an LG HDTV refrigerator, I wondered who needs a $3,799 refrigerator with a LCD TV and DVD hookup? I’m happy with my $600 refrigerator … Read more

Can You Resist a Bargain?

Lately I’ve found myself scrounging along the sales racks of stores looking for bargains. When I head to Target I look along the end of the isle for the clearance items. In the grocery store I search through the table of dented cans and in the department store I head directly to the back of … Read more