Frugal to a Fault

Most of the time I’m happy with my frugality. I don’t mind clipping coupons, waiting for sales or even going without. I like watching the figures in my bank account rise while simultaneously watching my mortgages shrink. I’m the kind of girl who brings a $10 coupon to brunch with my girlfriends and then asks, … Read more

A Pink Car Seat for My Son?

Baby A’s car seat will support him until he reaches 22 pounds, but he’s growing like a weed and is currently in the 90th percentile for height and the 85 percentile for weight. Needless to say he’ll outgrow his original car seat much faster than your average baby. Rather than waiting for him to outgrow … Read more

Frugal Tip #3: Rethink the Way You Cook

If you’re vegan or vegetarian than this post certainly won’t apply to you, but if you eat meat and poultry you should read on. I’ve found the best way to stretch my food dollars is to rethink the way I cook. I grew up with three food groups on the plate: meat, (in my case … Read more

Frugal Tip #2: Do Not Waste Food

If you cook at home fairly frequently you’ll find that isn’t too difficult to cook extra and learn to love leftovers. In fact, before long you’ll find yourself saving money and feeling much less stressed at dinnertime. While tip #1 helps you avoid fast food and restaurant bills, tip #2 ensures that you actually eat … Read more

Dinner is Salvaged By An Eight Hour Soak in the Crock Pot

On Wednesday I came home from work unbelievably hungry. I planned to make steak quesadillas for dinner that night and I spent the better half of the afternoon dreaming about the smells and tastes of that scrumptious meal. I thought I planned everything well in advance and I was sure dinner would turn out perfectly … Read more

I Make Too Much Money To Eat Icy Ice Cream

I am certainly the frugal girl, but tonight I threw out a $5 carton of iced over ice cream. Ok, I probably didn’t pay $5 for that carton, but nevertheless I did throw it out. I’ve been using my saran wrap trick for quite some time and although the top of the ice cream was … Read more

Would You Take a Homemade Sandwich to a Restaurant?

So here’s a frugal question… Someone I know, (I swear this story is not about me), has been brown bagging lunches in an effort to save money and eat a more balanced diet. One afternoon a bunch of coworkers asked if she’d like to go out to lunch with them. She considered the offer, but … Read more