It’s Tough To Be Frugal on Vacation

It’s tough to be frugal on vacation. No matter how hard we try we almost always wind up forgetting something. Of course that means paying a lot for something we typically would’ve bought on sale. Still it’s worth every penny to visit someplace you’ve never been before with someone you love. Do you have any … Read more

The Budget Expands On Our Next Mini-Vacation

In a week or so my husband and I will venture off on another mini-vacation, this time to Florida. We plan to drive around quite a bit, so I booked four nights at three different hotels. On the first and last night of our trip we’ll stay in Marriott hotels. I’m unbelievably close to earning … Read more

Total Spent on Our One Day Trip: $305

After returning from our one day trip I collected all of the receipts and added up the totals. In a little more than twenty-four hours my husband and I spent just over $305. The cost included our hotel room, a compact rental car, two tickets and other related costs to a sporting event, food and … Read more

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Hmmm. I can’t remember the last time I boarded a plane. It’s been at least a year or so, maybe longer. My husband and I are taking a very short trip. So short that by the time we return home tomorrow it won’t even be a full 24 hours. Still I’m excited to head to … Read more

Should I Pay More for an Oceanfront View?

My husband and I are traveling for the first time in years. I spent a few days looking over locations and room rates, but I’m having a hard time choosing hotel rooms. We’ll be driving around quite a bit, so we need at least three if not four hotels during our stay. There are so … Read more

How Do You Find the Cheapest Rates on Car Rentals?

I’m almost finished planning our upcoming trips. The first trip is literally 24 hours, the second is a little over five days. I’ve booked hotels using advice from my absolute favorite website: Trip Advisor, but I still haven’t booked our car rentals. I hope to rent a convertible in Florida, which I know will blow … Read more

Planning Our Winter Vacation

I plan to call Southwest Airlines tomorrow to ask for an extension of my current LUV voucher. I have absolutely no idea whether or not I’ll be successful, but if I am I plan to take two small trips this winter and one larger trip next spring. So far my plan involves a four and … Read more

Where Should We Travel?

I just found out that my husband and I have a voucher for Southwest airlines that must be used by the end of December. I have a list of places in mind that I’d love to visit, but I’m also open to suggestion. If anyone has a favorite place, a favorite town, a favorite hotel, … Read more